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Pilgrim Badges

Pilgrim badges were sold in the medieval period as souvenirs of pilgrimage. All of the badges below are accurate copies of surviving pewter artefacts. For information on the history of pilgrim badges please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website. Devotional badges are also included in this section.

P29-Saint Olaf
P29-Saint Olaf

P29-Saint Olaf

Saint Olaf was King of Norway from 1015-1030, having previously come to England as a Viking warrior. He strove to convert his country to Christianity, but his people turned against him and he was eventually defeated and exiled by the Danish King Cnut. Returning from exile in 1030, he was defeated and killed at the battle of Stikelstad.

He was buried at the Church of St Clement in Nidaros (now Trondhjem), where belief in his sanctity quickly spread. His cult spread widely in the middle ages and in England he was popularly revered, particularly in London. The badge represents an axe, the emblem of his martyrdom.

14th/ 15th cent.

17x48mm An axe.
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